con·ver·sion (kənˈvərZHən/):
When an online visitor actively becomes a lead.
CONVERSION RATE = number of leads ÷ number of web visits
What is a good conversion rate? THE LEGEND OF THE UNICORN
A conversion is the beginning of a conversation… by contacting us, they have begun the journey of becoming a new client. Depending on your business, a conversion may be achieved through a phone call, form, or transaction on your website.
Industry watch dog wrote in their top ranked article…
“We recently analyzed thousands of AdWords accounts with a combined $3 billion in annual spend and discovered the following numbers…”

(IM) a Super Unicorn? Where do they come from? And how do I get one?
SAMPLE 1: B2B Campaign
15.6% conversion rate
7x national average

SAMPLE 2: Local B2C Home Services Campaign
50.6% conversion rate
25x national average

SAMPLE 3: Local B2C Home Services Campaign
18.69% conversion rate
7x national average

SAMPLE 4: B2B Services Campaign
20.74% conversion rate
8x national average

“I would love the opportunity to schedule a call with you
and help you perform at least 3x to 5x better than your competition.”

Meet Rafael, (IM) Director of Search & Strategy
For the last 15 years, I have made it my focus to help companies drive more business through the latest in online marketing strategies. Today I manage 1000’s of page 1 rankings, and am developing new strategies every day. If you would like results like these, I would love to have a conversation about how we can get it done for you!