Our client, Mr Roofer, wanted to show up in the search engines locally around terms associated with Atlanta roofing. It was important that he received leads from surrounding cities north of Atlanta as well.
Other than referrals, Mr. Roofer now gets all of his business from (IM)’s efforts.
His Google Adwords campaigns convert at an astounding 67% (industry average is 2.4%)
His website converts at 34% (industry average is 4.3%)
Mr Roofer also dominates the search engines.
We have generated 191 relevant #1 page rankings. 308% traffic increase year-over-year. And they are ranking #1 for their top keyword, ‘Atlanta roofer’. See the live result screenshot below.

Meet Rafael, (IM) Director of Search & Strategy
For the last 15 years, I have made it my focus to help companies drive more business through the latest in online marketing strategies. Today I manage 1000’s of page 1 rankings, and am developing new strategies every day. If you would like results like these, I would love to have a conversation about how we can get it done for you!